Tuesday, May 5

There is Something Fishy about Fish Oils

A New Zealand study released early this year concluded that 92% of fish oils on the market did not meet Global Organisation International Standards (GOED) for EPA and DHA.

 The study was conducted on 32 different encapsulated fish oil supplements available in the New Zealand market, including those available for purchase online.

The study found that: many were highly oxidised (rancid) only 3 products contained levels of DHA and EPA as stated on the packaging more than two thirds contained less than 67% of stated DHA and EPA concentrations.

Whilst this study made headlines earlier this year, the GOED has since queried the methodology and handling of samples in the study.

Whether it turns out this study is an accurate reflection of the quality of fish oils available to the consumer or not, it highlights the importance of buying supplements only from trusted sources.

Fish oils are one of the most self-prescribed nutrients world-wide. They are readily available and can be extremely cheap. However, fish oils are highly susceptible to degradation and oxidation if not handled correctly during the manufacturing, encapsulation, and storing processes. They can also be a source of heavy metals, pesticides and other pollutants.

Fish oils are generally taken to support cardiovascular function, immune health, brain function, mood, and healthy skin and nails; not to mention their anti-inflammatory effects. Ironically, consuming a product that doesn't meet the standards, potentially full of free radicals, heavy metals and other pollutants, with little active DHA/EPA, will actually place strain on these body systems, rather than supporting them.

Reputable companies engage independent third party testing to ensure the consumer is receiving exactly what is stated on the packaging. They test the product at all stages of manufacturing to ensure potency and freshness are maintained, and to ensure the product is free from heavy metals, pesticides and other pollutants. These are the companies that you should buy your fish oil products from.

This is the reason why your Naturopath is so specific with regards to the products they recommend.

Your Naturopath will only recommend products they trust, which are of the highest quality, to give you the best outcome. 

Fish Oil Study: http://www.pharmacytoday.co.nz/media/878177/fish_oil_supps.pdf

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