Monday, November 9

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Yesterday I decided to take my lunch break outside.

I looked up and noticed a single shining silver thread, high in the sky.

At first I found this site somewhat perplexing. My goodness what on earth could that be?

Lo and behold way up amongst the tall gum trees was a single thread of web, spanning a void of at least 6metres between two trees.

It reflected the light of the sun against the backdrop of a crystal clear blue sky.

How did that courageous spider manage to create such an ambitious web highway between two trees so far apart; 12-15metres off the ground?

I had no idea. But I was reminded of that wonderful old English quote; ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’.

Indeed William Shakespeare said it quite beautifully in Hamlet, ‘where there is a good will, there is a great way.’

It would seem this spider had a very good will as indeed the way was great.

Most often, the clients who come to me have chronic illness which requires great change in order for healing and health to occur.

Great change can often seem impossible, a task too huge to achieve; a scary and daunting place to go.

The first step appears to be the greatest. Yet once that step is done another follows, then another, and another, until suddenly there you are with a web highway 6metres long 12metres above ground….well, you get what I mean ;-).

A toddler learns to walk, one step at a time.

Life is lived one moment at a time.

Change is made one decision at a time.

A body heals, one day at a time.

Breaking down what seem like huge tasks into a series of steps, concentrating on each step, one at a time, may not be the quickest way but it is the greatest way, reaping the biggest rewards.

Why not set the intention today to take one positive step….who knows perhaps tomorrow you will live to take another.

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